Soaring Through the "Shakiness".....

Taking a step of faith is never easy. When we take that initial step, we are often subconsciously looking for a sign or something to reassure us that the step that we are taking is indeed the right one. Can I be honest? Sometimes I feel like everything needs to go perfectly or without a "hitch" for me to feel like my step of faith was the right decision. But, sometimes things don't go according to plan. There have been times when my biggest and best decisions to step out on faith have been met with initial opposition before things started working the way they were "supposed" to. Let me give an example.

Last year, I ventured to Hawaii for my birthday and the one thing I wanted to do the most was take a helicopter ride over Diamond Head. I paid for and planned the excursion even though I was afraid of heights! I told myself, "nothing is going to stop me from doing something that I have always wanted to do." So, I went to Hawaii and the day of the helicopter ride, the wind was a bit choppy. As I buckled into the seat in the helicopter, I looked at the Pilot for extra reassurance that he could both get me off the ground and land me safely. Otherwise, he would have to call my mother and explain to her why he didn't, and I can guarantee he didn't want that (smile). As we lifted off the ground, there was a bit of shakiness and I immediately had the thought, "OH NO! THIS WAS A BAD IDEA!" Heart pounding, palms sweating, and mind racing, I sat still as the helicopter lifted beyond the "shakiness" to ascend over the beautiful waters of Waikiki Beach and Diamond Head. Let me tell you, this was one of the BEST experiences I have ever had.

What if I had never made the decision to go on this excursion? What if my decision to stay on the ground made me miss out on one of the most beautiful sites I have ever seen? Most importantly, what if the "shaking" had caused me to change my mind and retreat to staying on the ground (my comfort zone) and watching everyone else SOAR? That's why we cannot allow the "shakiness" of life to cause us to stay in our comfort zones when we know that we are called to step out in faith to go higher and be so much more!

Whatever constitutes your "shakiness" today-be it not enough money, not enough friends, not enough resources, not enough contacts, no enough education, etc., I challenge you to not stop dreaming and most importantly not stop stepping out in faith and allowing the Pilot (God) to know how to navigate you through the "shakiness." In those moments, look to Him to provide you with the reassurance that you need that He is with you and He knows how to navigate you off the ground to soar when its time to soar and back to the ground (comfort zone) when its time to rest.

Your decision to stay on the ground may cost you some of the most beautiful experiences that you have ever seen. So, SOAR through the shakiness!

Picture below of helicopter view of Diamond Head.....